Monday, October 6, 2008

The Hospital...

Fast and Furious

How was the birth? Fast and furious! If you are curious about the story--don't worry, no gory details--read on!

Sunday, September 28th came and still no baby. He was already 12 days past due and we had a scheduled date at the hospital for induction. We were to show up at 7:30pm and start the ripening gel in preparation for the induction the next morning. So, we dropped Owen off with Jon's parents...and went out to dinner! After full bellies, we showed up at the "baby hotel" (aka. hospital) and checked in. Because I was having such consistent contractions, they couldn't do the gel. We settled in for the night and enjoyed watching our last Sunday Night Football as parents of one child.

The next morning, my wonderful midwife decided not to induce me. Instead, at 7:15am she broke my water...and everything started. We walked one loop around the nurses station and had to go back to my room because of the intensity of the contractions. After laboring in my bath tub a while, we moved to the waterbirthing suite to finish and birth in the waterbirth tub. At 11:38, Evan Lyning Flaa made his way into the world after 3 minutes of pushing. My midwife almost missed the birth because it happened so fast!

Just over 4 hours of labor, but boy was it intense! I had a shot of nubain early on but no epidurals are allowed for a water birth. Jon says I had some good primal screams during the labor and I kept hitting the wall to the point they were conderned I would hurt my hand. Apparently I gave everyone some good laughs through it all. (I tend to get a little sarcastic when I am in pain.) At one point, I remember asking for a stick to bite on and some vodka claiming that birthing women always got that in the "olden days."

My nurse, my midwife, and the midwife apprentice that were with me were wonderful. They all said it was one of the most fun births they had ever been a part of. My sister was also there and a great support, but my husband was the best of them all! He even endured the multiple nail marks I left in his hands--oopsie!

We are so thankful for our newest little family member! Owen is fascinated with his little brother and loves to help. He enjoys hearing the baby burp and is very concerned when Evan cries. "Sad," he says over and over until Evan stops crying. Overall, we are adjusting quite well. We could all use some more sleep, but that'll come, right?!

PS. Waterbirth is actually giving birth in a big water tub. Babies don't breathe until they hit air. The warm water is great for easing back labor and decreasing your chances of tearing. I would highly recommend it!